General Information:
The Texas Wristband Project will electronically link pre-hospital to hospital patient records throughout the continuum of care and resolve any extenuating circumstances with patient accountability during disaster-related incidents, mass casualties, and evacuations. All patients presenting with a Texas Wristband should have the number logged on their EMS and trauma patient records.
SETRAC is providing a one time allotment of the Texas EMS Wristband to our EMS and hosptial partners of TSA-Q, H, & R.
These wristbands will be appropriately distrubuted to DSHS-Licensed EMS agencies, and hosptials to facilitate EMS transports, inter-facility transfers, and/or other SETRAC approved situations or events in which wristbands may be needed or required (i.e. MCI).
To request wristbands see the Request Reminders on the next page prior to completeing the form to determine eligibility.